As any criminal defense lawyer will know, accidents that become personal injury cases are hugely common here in the United. In many of these cases, car accidents or other such motor vehicle accidents are the culprits and when a loss of life is sustained, it is likely that a criminal defense attorney will need to be called in to take charge of the defendant’s future. In many cases, a criminal defense attorney will be up against a personal injury lawyer in the area, the person likely to be representing the injured party.
But aside from personal injury cases, some car accidents and other such motor vehicle accidents can lead to much more severe criminal charges. After all, A DWI in the state of Texas could net the accused as many as ten years in a state prison – and typically no less than two. And while this exact sentence is not the same across all fifty states in America, drinking and driving (or driving under the influence of any substance, at that) is a crime that is universally taken very seriously and if you are charged with such a crime, it is well within your best interest to hire a criminal defense attorney such as a DWI lawyer who can craft a skilled DWI defense.
Unfortunately, car accidents are incredibly common here in the United States, with up to six million of them happening across the country over the course of each and every year that passes us by. In those car accidents, up to three million people will become injured. Unfortunately, more than thirty thousand people – in some years, even as many as forty thousand people – will lose their lives.
Many of these car and other such motor vehicle accidents can be directly and irretrievably linked to drunk driving or driving while otherwise under the limit. In fact, as many as three hundred thousand people drive drunk every single day – though only around four to five thousand of them are actually stopped and pulled over before they can become a threat to themselves and to others. And it goes beyond alcohol – more than seventeen percent of all car and other such motor vehicle accidents (eighteen percent, to be more precise) are actually directly caused by a driver under the influence of a drug – legal or illegal – that is not alcohol.
The aftermath of such accidents can be nothing if not incredibly devastating. In the state of Texas alone, nearly four thousand people died in a car accident of some nature throughout the year of 2016 alone. And of those car and other motor vehicle accidents, up to twenty five percent of them involved an intoxicated driver. This is a problem that is seen not only in the state of Texas, but all throughout the entirety of the United States as well, and in many other places all around the world to boot.
Of course, many, many injuries can also be tied to drunk or intoxicated driving as well, as any criminal defense lawyer will all too easily be able to tell you. In fact, the data more than backs up this statement, as it shows that a new person will become injured in an incident that is directly related to drunk driving for every two minutes that pass, no matter what time of day or night it might be. These injuries can range from the very minor to the incredibly severe.
Some injuries sustained by a car accident might not result in death, but certainly change the injured party’s life forever as any criminal defense attorney can attest to. For some people, this might be due to chronic pain that lingers for years after such an event, and for other people a brain or spinal cord injury can result in a loss of independence, of a career, of life as they knew it. For these people, having a live in caretaker often becomes necessary, and day to day tasks can become nothing if not challenging. All of this is to show that the impact of a car accident can be so incredibly serious.