Building a successful business requires plenty of hard work, dedication, and an understanding of the legalities of doing so, especially when you choose to do so on your own. Becoming familiar with some of the starting steps to keep in mind to avoid legal issues from arising is key anytime you are going into business. When you know which starting steps to pay attention to most, you can mitigate issues and legal woes from preventing you from achieving the success you have in mind for yourself.
Employee Injuries

When it comes to the starting steps of building and launching a business, you will need to protect your employees and staff members from potential injuries or accidents. Providing proper insurance and also paying for workers compensation insurance is essential anytime you are going into business with the intention of hiring additional employees. If you are unsure of how to best protect yourself and your employees, you can learn more about your options and the type of insurance that is best for you by working with the right personal injury lawyer.
Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney
Going into business requires legal protection, especially if you intend to hire additional employees to work in your commercial space or location for any extended period of time. An attorney who covers personal injury cases can walk you through the process of finding a suitable insurance provider that is optimal for you and your employees without breaking your budget. Additionally, you can also prepare for potential litigation issues ahead of time if you have already retained a personal injury attorney that you can trust and turn to in your time of need.
Customer Injuries
If you are planning to start and operate a business that will be open to the public, you will also need to prepare for potential customer injuries. If a customer or client is injured or has an accident on your commercial property, you may find yourself embroiled in a lawsuit. Working with the right injury accident lawyer can help you better navigate any injury or accident a customer may experience whenever they are in your store or commercial place of business.
How to Find the Right Accident Lawyer
Preparing ahead of time as an entrepreneur is always best, even if you do have any previous experience working in business. Finding the best accident lawyer near you is possible by asking other business associates and colleagues who are also entrepreneurs for their referrals and recommendations. To learn more about injury and accident lawyers near you, search online for testimonials, portfolios, and case studies that are relevant to you.
Browsing for an accident or injury lawyer online is not only a way for you to verify their legitimacy, but you can also do so while reading verified testimonials from past clients. Compare the official websites, search engine results, and social media pages of each attorney or law firm you’re interested in working with to represent and protect your own business ventures. The more familiar you become with a local attorney or law firm, the easier it will be for you to maintain your peace of mind once it is time to choose someone to represent you.
Property Damage
Preventing property damage is also important when it comes to paying attention to the starting steps of owning and operating a business of your own. When you are moving into your new commercial space, protecting both the interior and exterior walls and windows is imperative. Making a positive first impression on passersby and those who may have a genuine interest in your business is only possible by providing a well-maintained building and presentation once you are ready to open your doors to the public.
If you want to avoid as much property damage as possible when moving into a commercial space, you can do so by working alongside a professional moving company near you. Working with professional moving companies and contractors who specialize in commercial moves is a way for you to streamline the moving process while simultaneously protecting your furniture and belongings. Professional movers are not only well-equipped to move large items, but they also do so while providing clients with work warranties and guarantees to protect their furnishings and anything that is being transported at the time.
ADA Violations

If you are going into business for the first time, it’s important to learn about the disability law in effect and ADA, or American Disability Act violations that you can encounter as an employer. Understanding what constitutes discrimination against individuals who may be disabled is essential for anyone who is operating a business with the intent of hiring additional employees or even independent contractors. Learning about potential ADA violations can also help you better prepare your own place of work with proper HR hiring and solutions that are ideal for all of your employees.
Tax Avoidance
Launching solar companies, internet tech service companies, or even digital marketing storefronts all require you to pay attention to the revenue you are generating and the taxes you may owe. One of the biggest starting steps that can lead you to trouble is avoiding taxes. From paying traditional state and federal taxes to keeping up with payroll taxes, tax avoidance is one of the most important issues that can lead to legal woes and ultimately, the loss of your business or investment altogether.
Finding the Right Tax Accountant
When you want to ensure you are managing the financial element of your business properly at all times, you will want to do so by working with a business consultant or a professional tax accountant who is known and reputable. Hiring the right tax accountant is possible by asking those you know who are also involved in business for their own recommendations. You can also seek out tax accountants who have experience in your industry or market online ahead of time, where you can also access reviews and testimonials before making a decision that is right for you and the future you envision for your venture.
Wage Theft
Anytime you are hiring employees or contractors, paying attention to the wages you are providing them is key. Whether you are building your own fence company or if you sell furniture in a retail storefront, wage theft should be avoided at all costs. Working with a payroll expert or a financial advisor is best to ensure you are always paying your employees appropriately while simultaneously taking care of any taxes that are also your responsibility as a business owner, depending on the type of business you have created.
Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is another element of owning and operating a business that you will need to keep in mind at all times, whether you’re building a pest control company or offering landscaping services in your community. If you hire employees or contractors at any time, you will need to know what constitutes wrongful termination. In order to do so, retaining the right attorney can help guide you through the process.
Working alongside an attorney who specializes in wrongful termination cases is a way to protect yourself and your business as much as possible, regardless of the market your business is in and the line of work you represent. An attorney who specializes in wrongful termination lawsuits understands what is genuinely constituted as wrongful termination. Additionally, an attorney who understands wrongful termination lawsuits can also provide you with numerous potential paths to ensure the best outcome in your favor, potentially saving your business.
Trademark Violation
When it comes to opening your very own countertop company or an online eCommerce store, you will need to take a bit of time to familiarize yourself with trademarks. Registering your own trademark is also imperative when you are going into business, even if you are doing so with the intention of simply serving individuals in your local community. Registering a trademark will allow you to move forward with your business plans without the risk of being sued by another individual or company with the same name and a trademark that is already in effect.
If you are new to owning a business and want to register trademarks properly, you can do so by working with an attorney in business law. Attorneys who specialize in business law can walk you through the process of researching and registering trademarks in just about any market or industry today. The right lawyer will also inform you ahead of time if there is another company or entity with the same name and trademark in place.
How to Find the Right Business Attorney
Finding a business attorney who understands trademarks, patents, and copyright law is key before diving into the prospect of owning and operating a business of your own. Finding the right attorney for your business is possible by asking for recommendations from anyone you know who is also working in business or living as a full-time entrepreneur. If you’re interested in even more options, however, you can conduct a bit of research on your own time, online.
Searching online for a business attorney is a way to do so by visiting official websites, using social media, and browsing traditional search engines. Compare reviews and testimonials along with previous cases before choosing an attorney or firm to hire for your own business.
Licensing Agreements
If you are just getting to know more about the starting steps of building and operating a business, you will want to pay attention to any licensing agreements you sign. Whether you are working as a commercial architect, writer, or even as a designer, licensing agreements should be carefully reviewed to ensure you are maintaining the creative control that is most important to you. If you are signing a licensing agreement or contract for the very first time and you are unsure of what to do, retaining the right business attorney can have a significant impact on the outcome of your decisions.
Advantages of Hiring a Professional Business Attorney
Business attorneys understand the law surrounding contractual agreements, including standard and custom licensing agreements based on specific industries. When you want to protect your work, investments, or even your products, you can do so much easier with the right attorney by your side. Business attorneys will not only provide you with multiple routes that may be suitable for you, but they can also communicate with any associates or partners you are working with on your behalf professionally, which can streamline the process of negotiating contracts and licensing agreements.
Copyright Infringement

When it comes to the starting steps of building a business of your own, it’s important to pay attention to potential copyright issues you may encounter along the way. Along with registering trademarks for your own business name and logo, you will also need to conduct a bit of research to verify that your business name is not already registered with another individual or company. Whether you are starting a company of professional roofers or you are launching a digital marketing agency, you will need to do so with a name that is not already copyrighted in the same market and industry as you.
How to Research Copyright Information
Anytime you are interested in going into business, you will want to take some time to get to know more about copyrights that are already in place in your industry and when it comes to your preferred business name. If an entity already exists with the same name in the same industry as you, it will not likely be possible for you to move forward using said name without potential legal issues. Finding copyright information can be done by working with a copyright attorney or by researching different trademarks and copyrights that are currently in effect with the use of official online directories.
Knowing which starting steps to pay attention to as an entrepreneur can help you move forward with any business plan you have in mind. When you are familiar with the vital starting steps of any business, you can mitigate lawsuits and minimize your chances of encountering legal woes at any time. Learning about legal resources that you have available to you can also prevent legal obstacles from stopping you from accomplishing any goals you have set in place.