You never know when you might need a family attorney, a criminal defense attorney, or a drunk driving attorney. Instead of denying that something like this could happen to you, its best to simply accept it and try to figure out the best way to deal with it.
You may be thinking, “It’ll never happen to me,” but the truth is that over 1.4 million people are arrested each year for DUI first offense. It could definitely happen to you, so be extra careful about never driving drunk and find an attorney at law immediately if it does.
If you are a minority, the truth is that the criminal justice system is slated against you. A lot of it is residual from a long history of horrible laws- for instance, as many as 25-35% of the Indian children in certain states were taken away from their families and placed in non-Indian homes, before the institution of the ICWA.
Criminal Charges
It is scary, but first degree robbery carries a state prison sentence of 3-9 years. If you committed a crime but you think that there has been a terrible misunderstanding, then you need to find a good attorney at law at once. Wrongful conviction cases are actually quite common — and the most common main cause in wrongful conviction cases was eyewitness identification, with the second most common reason being perjury by a witness.
If you have been wrongfully charged in a criminal court, it is time to start protecting yourself by hiring a lawyer who knows what’s what and is able to get you a fair chance at the freedom you deserve.
If improperly managed, it is possible that being involved with cases like these can negatively impact your life for a long time by dividing up your family or putting you in prison for the long term. Going to prison can cause you to loose your home, your family, your job, and your self respect. It will be harder to make it in the world if you have been set back a few years by prison.
Take the necessary steps to protect yourself now, before its too late