Have you ever heard of a living trust? If not, then tune in to watch this video on the top benefits of a trust and why it’s important to have one.
Believe it or not, a trust is more important than you may think. Did you know that only 42% of people have a living trust? That’s because people are unaware of all its advantages. Here are a few benefits of a living trust.
Whether you decide to get a delegated trust or a directed trust, you will reap the benefits of having something in place to ensure your assets are passed along to the right people. A living trust also provides peace of mind, privacy, protection, and avoidance of probate.
When you decide you’re ready to establish a trust, you will need to create a trust companies list. This will give you the ability to lay out your options and decide the best trust company to work with. The best trust companies are ones that have a good reputation and have been in the business for a long time.
For more information on how a living trust works, continue on with the video.