Legal Home Mistakes That Can Prevent You From Winning a Custody Case

Mistakes That Can Prevent You From Winning a Custody Case

When you’re fighting for custody of your kids, you want to avoid mistakes that can hurt your case. So, it’s vital to know common errors people make and how to avoid them. The first mistake is not following the rules. In court, there are rules about what information you must share with the other side. That could be your money, health records, or even your child’s school information.

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Second mistake is not replying to questions. The other side can ask you questions about your case, and you should answer them honestly. The third mistake is asking the judge for something you don’t need. Only ask the judge for stuff that makes sense for your case. The fourth mistake is lying in court. Judges don’t like liars. If you lie, the judge might not trust you anymore, hurting your chances of winning.

The fifth mistake is being rude to the other side. Act nice, even if you’re mad. As such, the judge might think you’re not good at working with others if you argue constantly. That isn’t a good look if you’re trying to share custody of your kids. The sixth mistake is not acting the way you say you want to act. If you want more time with your kids, show up for the visits you already have scheduled.

The seventh mistake is not following the court’s orders. The court might tell you to do things by a certain time, like giving them some documents. Do what they say when they say it. Also, follow the advice of custody lawyers. Be sure to reach out to your local custody lawyers to get started, and we hope this was able to help you get started on the right path.


The other side can ask you questions about your case, and you should answer them honestly.

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