Some people get nervous and scared when they’re pulled for a possible DWI, but it’s important to remain calm and follow certain steps to ensure that nothing major will happen. If your alcohol level is high, you might have to take a DWI intervention course, but it’s alright as long as you don’t plan on being a repeat offender.
Is a DUI a drug related offense? It depends because most people think that DUI or DWIs are only for alcohol, but they include other substances, so you could be dealing with a different kind of charge if you’re pulled over. Sometimes, you might not get in trouble if you’re a DWI 1st offender bac 0.15, as that’s only a Class B misdemeanor, but you should still understand that driving under any kind of influence can have serious consequences.
There’s a reason why you might have spotted a no drinking and driving sign on the road. Doing so can be dangerous for yourself and other people. Even as a sober driver you should be aware of other drivers who might have imbibed too much. It’s a tricky matter. Therefore, you should understand what to do if you get pulled over.
Let’s find out more!
It’s important to always follow the rules of the road. Unfortunately, almost everyone experiences the sinking feeling of seeing a police officer motion you to pull over. Many people are pulled over across the United States for driving while intoxicated. If ever faced with this situation, it’s important that you know what to do. With that in mind, here are five things to do after being pulled over for a possible DWI.
- Perform Field Sobriety Tests
You’re likely feeling many emotions as you see the red and blue lights turn on behind you while driving. At this point, it’s best to remain cooperative and respectful while speaking with law enforcement officers. If you’ve been pulled over for a potential DUI stop, you’ll likely be asked to perform field sobriety tests. These tests might be standing a certain way or walking in a straight line. The tests might vary depending on the state you’re driving in. - Blow into a Breathalyzer
In addition to field sobriety tests, you’ll often be asked to blow into a breathalyzer. These devices are used across the country to measure someone’s BAC or blood alcohol content. For instance, many states have enacted BAC limits of 0.08%. This means if your BAC is at or over this amount, you’ll be charged with driving while intoxicated. If you’re BAC is higher than 0.18%, it will be an Aggravated DWI. The state of New York has a Zero Tolerance Law, meaning if you’re under 21 with a BAC of 0.02% or above, you’ll receive a DWI charge. No matter what situation you’ve found yourself in, it’s best to cooperate with what law enforcement is asking of you. Acting wild or combative will only make matters worse. You don’t want to add assaulting an officer or resisting arrest to your possible charges. - Be Prepared to Spend the Night in Jail
The actions law enforcement must take with a DWI situation is different from other traffic violations. Unfortunately, there is no chance that you’ll be allowed to continue about your day or night. After you’ve been found driving while intoxicated, you’ll most likely have to spend the night in jail. However, it’s important to note that repeat offenders will likely be required to spend longer amounts of time incarcerated. - Scrub Social Media Profiles
Unlike with other types of traffic tickets, expect your past to be combed through after receiving a DWI. This means that those acting against your best interest might try to dig up dirt on you, so to speak. With that in mind, many people’s DWI cases have landed in troublesome spots after social media profiles are found. While you might have posted a photo of you drinking at home several months ago, these photos can unconsciously influence a jury. If you want to do everything possible to save your case, remove any and all incriminating social media posts after you’ve arrived home. - Hire a Lawyer Right Away
It’s important to note that the damage caused by a DWI isn’t over yet. In addition to spending time in jail, you’ll also be required to pay fines. A DWI can also be placed on your permanent record. Considering all of the negative possibilities caused by a DWI conviction, it’s wise to have a lawyer on your side. Hiring a DWI lawyer is going to be your best possible chance at having success in the courtroom. DWI lawyers regularly work with clients who are in situations much like yours.
In closing, there are several things to do after you’ve been stopped for a DWI. That being said, one of the most beneficial things to do in this situation is to contact a DWI lawyer. In turn, you’ll be able to have someone with legal knowledge assisting you throughout this difficult time. While no case is a guaranteed win, you’ll have the best shot at receiving a favorable outcome after hiring a DWI lawyer.