If you’re on the brink of personal injury lawsuit, finding the best attorney can mean a big difference to your case. But first, you need to establish in advance the elements that are significant to lawyers and the possibility of them accepting or declining your case.
Personal injury lawyers depend on their own findings and evaluation of your case before deciding on whether to take it or not. This article is a brief overview of some of the important factors a lawyer will consider before accepting your case.
1.Liability and proof of success
Basically, the first thing lawyers consider before taking on a case is its success rate. And the success of a case highly depends on its liability. While you may prove mental or physical injuries, that doesn’t outrightly mean you are legally entitled to compensation. If the case held you responsible, there will be no recovery.
If a personal injury lawyer determines that another party cannot be held liable for your injuries, your case will be turned down. This is simply because there are more factors against your case impending its success.
2.Unsubstantial amount of damages
Approximately 95-96% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial. This is when both parties agree on compensation and decided not to push the case further. However, if you sustain real injury or can prove psychological trauma as a result of the accident, make sure you file a claim within the statues of limitation period expires. Otherwise, you are risking your case being denied. Your injury has to have either financial or emotional impact for it to attract compensation.
3.The first lawyer to contact
While it’s crucial to assess different personal injury lawyers to find the right one, sometimes it’s not the best decision to make. This is because if a lawyer suspect you’ve already talked with another lawyer, the case may be denied. No single attorney would want to give you the value of the case before understanding facts surrounding.
In addition, if your case has been denied by other personal injury law firms, the attorney will be cautious of the case from two perspectives, either from unreasonable expectation or liability perspective.
4.Economic viable
Personal injury attorneys are professionals who invest a lot of time into cases. They make sure before they accept any case it must have maximum benefits not only for their clients but also them. A lawyer will consider how much effort, time and resources needed to make the case a success, along with other expenses incurred during the case period. And since personal injury lawyers work on contingency basis, meaning that they only get paid if they win your case, they’ll evaluate your case further just to be certain of its success.
If a lawyer thinks your case won’t yield sufficient compensation, he has the grounds to reject your case. Get to know your case strength and weakness, and the likelihood of getting recovery.
Other reasons why your case may be turned down include the high cost of handling the case, too much time required, highly complex case, client-attorney mistrust. These are the factors to consider when facing a personal injury lawsuit, which will help you build a good relationship with your attorney.
4 Reasons a Personal Injury Attorney Will Decline Your Case